
With years of experience and advanced manufacturing capabilities in Malawi and South Africa, EGA is committed to providing exceptional locally-produced solutions for clean cooking and renewable energy.

Discover How We Do It

In this rapidly evolving industry, EGA understands the importance of procuring the best quality materials and enhancing their value through manufacturing.

We are dedicated to offering exceptional products and consistently upgrading our offerings to keep up with the latest technological advancements.

Ener-G Africa Lab
Ener-G Africa Machine
Ener-G Africa Cooking

Manufacturing Features


Metal Working

Our facilities are equipped with custom-made metal forming machines for the efficient, high-volume manufacture of a range of components.

Precision Tooling

The technology used for our manufacturing is the highest quality. Our cutting-edge precision tools allow us to produce bespoke designs on demand.


Solar Panels

Mono/Multicrystalline solar panels are made in South Africa. We assemble panels with a perfect combination of high-efficiency and versatility. Thanks to the use of high-quality solar cells, our panels achieve outstanding performance and ensure maximum production output even under poor lighting and weather conditions. The strong yet ultra-light frames make installation easy and robust in either residential or commercial settings.

Ener-G Africa Chip

Advanced Biomass Stoves (ABS)

EGA is designing and manufacturing Advanced Biomass Stoves, both natural draft and force draft stoves.

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