Mr. Henrick Jansen's impact story

Enriching the lives of people across Africa
Mr. Henrick Jansen and his wife Franses have been living at Die Kop in Stanford since 2011. They reside in a small shack (informal settlement) without electricity. Franses has suffered two strokes, making it difficult for her to walk and perform basic tasks like using the bathroom. As elderly individuals, they rely on their pensions for survival.
In October, when the Cookstove trial was initiated Henrick was involved in the process and his level of engagement was remarkable.
EGA provided the couple with a FAB stove and a MAFECS stove, which he uses regularly. Franses loves the FAB stove, as it keeps their home warm, allowing her to cook comfortably while sitting on her bed. The power bank provided enables them to listen to their favourite music, bringing them immense joy. Henrick takes great pride in his new possessions and has designated special spots to hang the solar panels for charging. He has also observed a significant reduction in the amount of wood he needs to collect since using the new technology. Their lives have become significantly more joyful, they are saving money, experiencing less smoke in their home and their challenging life has been slightly alleviated.